geraldine crisci and associates, counselling, consultation, training

Upcoming Training Workshops

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Externalization of Graphic Imagery

Thursday Nov 30, 2023 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM EST

Do your clients suffer from nightmares, flashbacks or intrusive thoughts?

Do you know how to capture your clients’ traumatic experiences and transform them into a visual language?

Do you understand how symbolic and metaphorical expression can be used as an intervention?

This workshop will examine the effective use of art in the treatment of trauma and explore how symbolic and metaphorical expression can be a creative, right-brain intervention, giving voice to the most unspeakable experiences.

Trauma Focused Assessment Certificate Program

In-Service Option for Agencies

Geraldine Crisci is working in Collaboration with The Trauma Institute of the George Hull Centre. This Program will now be provided through The Trauma Institute only.

Dates: February 21, 22, March 20, 21, April 17, 18, May 15, 16, June 19, 20, 2024
Time: 9am – 3:30pm EST

There has been an explosion of science that supports the need for trauma responsive approaches in children’s mental health. Yet very few practitioners feel confident enough to competently assess the impact of trauma on children and youth. Join us for a comprehensive course on assessment and treatment of trauma in children and youth developed by Geraldine Crisci, a world-renowned trauma clinician and trainer.

In this 10-day program, you will learn:

  • Why to ask about trauma
  • How to ask about trauma
  • How to work with families
  • Interview protocols that help keep your clients safe and connected and that are developmentally appropriate
  • A review of treatment models
  • How a good assessment leads to effective and focused treatment plans that include measurable goal
Trauma Focused Assessment Certificate Program

Get more information about the course outline, requirements, cost, and what’s included by clicking on the button below.

Five Day Certification Program

This course is offered to candidates who have successfully completed a 5 day In-service or 6 day Safeguards Trauma Assessment and Treatment Certificate Course. The training is an intensive program with a limited number of trainees. Please contact our office to pre-register for next training event; dates TBA.

Training Testimonials

I am a clinician who works primarily with children’s mental health in a northern community. The training I have received with Ms. Crisci has completely transformed my practice. It has provided me with a new lens to view my clients and I feel more efficient as a therapist, more now than ever. Using the skills I have learned in these trainings, past and present, has allowed me to provide treatment with successful outcomes. Thank you for this opportunity.
Val, Clinical Therapist

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Geraldine Crisci & Associates – Our Team

Geraldine Crisci, MSW

Geraldine Crisci, MSW

Geraldine Crisci, M.S.W. is a mental health professional with 30 years experience in the field of trauma. She is a private practitioner who provides assessment and treatment to children, youth and their families. She is also a professional trainer providing educational programs to mental health, protective services, law enforcement, medical and other helping profession. Geraldine developed and teaches the 6 day Trauma Assessment and Treatment Program for Safeguards which has reached 1500 professionals in the past 10 years.  Geraldine has developed protocols for the assessment and treatment of trauma, sexualized behaviour problems and sibling sexual abuse.

Laurel Choat

Laurel Choat

Geraldine Crisci and Associates welcomes Art Therapist, Laurel Choat to the team. Laurel is a graduate of the Toronto Art Therapy Institute and has been on the Board of Directors for the past three years. She has also been a guest lecturer at the Institute and works as an Art Therapist/Child & Family Therapist…